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using System.Collections;
using UnityEngine;
namespace BNG {
public class Marker : GrabbableEvents {
public Material DrawMaterial;
public Color DrawColor =;
public float LineWidth = 0.02f;
public Transform RaycastStart;
public LayerMask DrawingLayers;
public float RaycastLength = 0.01f;
/// <summary>
/// Minimum distance required from points to place drawing down
/// </summary>
public float MinDrawDistance = 0.02f;
public float ReuseTolerance = 0.001f;
bool IsNewDraw = false;
Vector3 lastDrawPoint;
LineRenderer LineRenderer;
// Use this to store our Marker's LineRenderers
Transform root;
Transform lastTransform;
Coroutine drawRoutine = null;
float lastLineWidth = 0;
int renderLifeTime = 0;
public override void OnGrab(Grabber grabber) {
if (drawRoutine == null) {
drawRoutine = StartCoroutine(WriteRoutine());
public override void OnRelease() {
if (drawRoutine != null) {
drawRoutine = null;
IEnumerator WriteRoutine() {
while (true) {
if (Physics.Raycast(RaycastStart.position, RaycastStart.up, out RaycastHit hit, RaycastLength, DrawingLayers, QueryTriggerInteraction.Ignore)) {
float tipDistance = Vector3.Distance(hit.point, RaycastStart.transform.position);
float tipDercentage = tipDistance / RaycastLength;
Vector3 drawStart = hit.point + (-RaycastStart.up * 0.0005f);
Quaternion drawRotation = Quaternion.FromToRotation(Vector3.back, hit.normal);
float lineWidth = LineWidth * (1 - tipDercentage);
InitDraw(drawStart, drawRotation, lineWidth, DrawColor);
else {
IsNewDraw = true;
yield return new WaitForFixedUpdate();
void InitDraw(Vector3 position, Quaternion rotation, float lineWidth, Color lineColor) {
if (IsNewDraw) {
lastDrawPoint = position;
DrawPoint(lastDrawPoint, position, lineWidth, lineColor, rotation);
IsNewDraw = false;
else {
float dist = Vector3.Distance(lastDrawPoint, position);
if (dist > MinDrawDistance) {
lastDrawPoint = DrawPoint(lastDrawPoint, position, lineWidth, DrawColor, rotation);
Vector3 DrawPoint(Vector3 lastDrawPoint, Vector3 endPosition, float lineWidth, Color lineColor, Quaternion rotation) {
var dif = Mathf.Abs(lastLineWidth - lineWidth);
lastLineWidth = lineWidth;
if (dif > ReuseTolerance || renderLifeTime >= 98) {
LineRenderer = null;
renderLifeTime = 0;
else {
renderLifeTime += 1;
if (IsNewDraw || LineRenderer == null) {
lastTransform = new GameObject().transform; = "DrawLine";
if (root == null) {
root = new GameObject().transform; = "MarkerLineHolder";
lastTransform.parent = root;
lastTransform.position = endPosition;
lastTransform.rotation = rotation;
LineRenderer = lastTransform.gameObject.AddComponent<LineRenderer>();
LineRenderer.startColor = lineColor;
LineRenderer.endColor = lineColor;
LineRenderer.startWidth = lineWidth;
LineRenderer.endWidth = lineWidth;
var curve = new AnimationCurve();
curve.AddKey(0, lineWidth);
//curve.AddKey(1, lineWidth);
LineRenderer.widthCurve = curve;
if (DrawMaterial) {
LineRenderer.material = DrawMaterial;
LineRenderer.numCapVertices = 5;
LineRenderer.alignment = LineAlignment.TransformZ;
LineRenderer.useWorldSpace = true;
LineRenderer.SetPosition(0, lastDrawPoint);
LineRenderer.SetPosition(1, endPosition);
else {
if (LineRenderer != null) {
LineRenderer.widthMultiplier = 1;
LineRenderer.positionCount += 1;
var curve = LineRenderer.widthCurve;
curve.AddKey((LineRenderer.positionCount - 1) / 100, lineWidth);
LineRenderer.widthCurve = curve;
LineRenderer.SetPosition(LineRenderer.positionCount - 1, endPosition);
return endPosition;
void OnDrawGizmosSelected() {
// Show Grip Point
Gizmos.color =;
Gizmos.DrawLine(RaycastStart.position, RaycastStart.position + RaycastStart.up * RaycastLength);